Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin (29 août 1947 – ) est est une professeure de zootechnie et de sciences animales à l'université d'État du Colorado, docteure et spécialiste de renommée internationale dans cette même discipline. Elle est également connue pour être la première personne autiste à avoir témoigné de son expérience de vie dans des autobiographies, Ma vie d'autiste en 1986 et Penser en images en 1995. Elle s'implique pour la défense du bien-être animal, plaidant pour une meilleure prise en compte de la souffrance animale pendant l'élevage et l'abattage, s'opposant en particulier à l'élevage en batterie. Elle milite pour les droits des personnes autistes et souhaite la reconnaissance de l'autisme en tant que handicap, plutôt que maladie mentale.
[modifier]The unwritten rules of social relationships (Les Règles non-écrites des relations sociales), 2005
[modifier]- (en) Even today, romantic love is just not part of my life. And you know what? That's okay with me.
- (en) The unwritten rules of social relationships, Temple Grandin, Sean Barron (trad. Wikiquote), éd. Future Horizons (Arlington, TX), 2005 (ISBN 9781932565393), p. 26
- (en) Mother prepared me to live in the world, but she didn't try to make me into a social being just so I could hang out with other teenagers at the lake, or have pajama parties with other girls. Her eyes were on a bigger prize - giving me the skills and nurturing the talents that would allow me to graduate from school, attend college, find a satisfying job and live independently.
- (en) The unwritten rules of social relationships, Temple Grandin, Sean Barron (trad. Wikiquote), éd. Future Horizons (Arlington, TX), 2005 (ISBN 9781932565393), p. 48
Propos publics
[modifier]Entretien sur NPR, 20 janvier 2006
[modifier]- (en) The things that scare a prey/species animal like cattle are a whole lot of little visual details that people just don't tend to notice. And one of the big problems they used to have is the people just wanted to get out there and yell and scream and push and shove and you know more and more prods. Rather than remove the things that the cattle were afraid of.
- Au sujet des techniques d'élevage du bétail.
- « A Conversation with Temple Grandin », Temple Grandin, NPR, 20 janvier 2006 (lire en ligne)
- (en) My mind works like Google for images. You put in a key word; it brings up pictures. See language for me narrates the pictures in my mind.
- « A Conversation with Temple Grandin », Temple Grandin, NPR, 20 janvier 2006 (lire en ligne)
- (en) if you see a child with autistic-like behaviors at age two and three, the worst thing you can do is just let them sit and watch TV all day. That's just the worst thing you can do. You need to have a teacher working with that child, working on teaching language, working on social interaction, working on getting them interested in different things, and keeping their brain connected to the world.
- « A Conversation with Temple Grandin », Temple Grandin, NPR, 20 janvier 2006 (lire en ligne)
- (en) I feel very strongly that if you got rid of all of the autistic genetics you're not going to have any scientists. There'd be no computer people. You'd lose a lot of artists and musicians. There'd be a horrible price to pay. It's like a little bit of the autistic trait can give some advantages. You get too much of the autistic trait then you get a very severe handicap where the person's going to remain non-verbal. It's a continuum from a severe handicap all the way up to something where it's a personality variant.
- « A Conversation with Temple Grandin », Temple Grandin, NPR, 20 janvier 2006 (lire en ligne)
- (en) I've been doing autism talks for the last 20 years and there still are people out there that do not want to, they can't recognize that these sensory problems are real. That, for some of these kids when that fire alarm goes off, that really hurts the ears, it's a really real thing.
- « A Conversation with Temple Grandin », Temple Grandin, NPR, 20 janvier 2006 (lire en ligne)
Conférence sur l'autisme à Des Moines en 2014
[modifier]- (en) You've got to get them out doing things — not sitting in their rooms being recluses. We can't have that.
- « Temple Grandin offers frank advice at autism conference », Temple Grandin, The Des Moines Register, 18 juillet 2014 (lire en ligne)
- (en) It's OK to be an eccentric. But it's not OK to be a rude and dirty eccentric.
- « Temple Grandin offers frank advice at autism conference », Temple Grandin, The Des Moines Register, 18 juillet 2014 (lire en ligne)
Citations rapportées
[modifier]- (en) They may ask why nature or God created such horrible conditions as autism, manic depressions, and schizophrenia. However, if the genes that caused these conditions were eliminated that might be a terrible price to pay.
- (en) NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, Temple Grandin, cité par Steve Silberman (trad. Wikiquote), éd. Penguin, 2015 (ISBN 978-0-399-18561-8), p. 428
- Dans ta bulle !, Julie Dachez, éd. Marabout, 2018, chap. Militer, p. 218
Citations au sujet de Temple Grandin
[modifier]- L'Autisme expliqué aux non-autistes, Brigitte Harrisson et Lise Saint-Charles, éd. Marabout, coll. « Marabout poche », 2017, Chapitre 1. Si j'avais su que l'autisme était..., p. 15